US Tak Summer Tournament Starts Tomorrow!

If you haven’t been keeping tabs on the 2018 Tak season, I’m here to let you know that the USTA Summer Tournament kicks off tomorrow. There’s still a chance for members to sign up, registration closes at midnight tonight. The top two finishers of this tournament will join the top two from the spring tournament […]

Spring Tournament Results

Last week we wrapped up the Spring Tournament, our first event of the 2018 Tak Season. There were six players in the field and the games were well played and great to see. Thank you to all of the players for helping this event to run quickly and smoothly. Congratulations are due to NohatCoder, who […]

Tak Tuesdays!

It’s the first Tak Tuesday everyone! What does that mean, you ask? Tonight is the new online weekly meetup night on If you have the chance, whether a new player or old, be sure to stop by and play a few games. The main meetup window is between 6pm and 10pm Pacific US time, […]

GenCon 2017 – Day 1

It’s been a great first day at GenCon! We met lots of friends and fans of Tak, had our first event (a short Swiss tournament), and just enjoyed the convention. More events are coming over the next two days, including the GenCon championship. To share a few moments, here are some pictures from the event today. […]

GenCon Prize Update

This could hardly be more last minute, but there is an exciting update regarding prizes for the 2017 GenCon Tak Championship tournament. Thanks to Worldbuilders and The Tinker’s Packs we have now been able to add an additional Wyrmwood production to the prize lineup. Fourth place will now be receiving a Wyrmwood leather travel Tak […]

The US Tak Association Events at GenCon

It’s unbelievable, but nearly a year has passed since the US Tak Association’s inaugural event at GenCon last year. Time sure has flown, and now it’s time to talk about GenCon again! We’ve been working hard to create an even bigger lineup of events and I’m very pleased to finally announce all the details! Before […]

Mastering Tak: Level I – A foundation for Success

A milestone in the history of Tak strategy has been reached! The first unofficial Tak strategy guide, titled Mastering Tak: Level I by Bill Leighton, is now on sale. Bill runs the Tak Thoughts blog where he discusses strategy and frequently posts Tak puzzles. You might also recognize him as Reddit user rabbitboy84. Since he started his blog Bill has […]

Sultan’s Open Tak Tournament

If you can’t make it to any of the upcoming in-person tournaments, then you’re in luck! Sami Sultan (winner of the 2016 US Tak Open) is hosting an online Tak tournament. Signup is free for the tournament and open until midnight on Sunday (May 28th). The field of players is shaping up to have plenty of familiar names, so the […]