Tak Tournament Ratings of Active Players

Last update: 2024-06-03, Players: 398, Games: 3985

Ratings are calculated using the WHR algorithm by Rémi Coulom, similar to the go and renju ratings.

To be included in the rating calculations, a game must be played in a USTA sanctioned competition. Additionally, the total time available per player for a 45 move game must be at least 20 minutes if player in 2022 or later, and at least 10 minutes if played in 2021 or earlier. Blitz ratings are also available

Gyn is the number of games played in the last n years. To be on the active list a player must have Gy2 ≥ 5.

* Provisional Rating: Player has not yet played in any open tournaments, or has fewer than 10 games.

History ratings:     Country/Region:     Active/All players:

1POL alion0225281071164773116
2USA Kur, Justin (Abyss)2286971953977148
3USA ManaT2273861133254113
4SVK Vadocz, Viliam (x57696c6c)2270951004572100
5GBR PlutoTheBrave2253891042954104
6USA Leighton, Bill (rabbitboy84)221380134476580
7USA Tones22098667416767
8USA Simmon2132871444161108
9AUS Ally212576138396798
10USA MehrGills22086711026888102
11GBR Dickinson, Sam (fwwwwibib)2080991681422102
12DEU Zobel, Markus (Klimace)20581462682626
13USA Augspurger, Paul (MediocreTaborlin)20429991434471
14USA Rossin, Al (archvenison)2021771796177131
15USA dopemedic19831853602036
16USA Karchin, Joshua (applemonkeyman)19531878801930
-NLD Breedveld, Wouter (Wouter)*19481811801818
17DEU nitzel1891841215163121
18GBR phase_spaced18889697484997
-USA Takwolf129*186318010101010
19USA Stone, Andrew (Spawnoza)183910236363636
-USA Autoson1009*18382296066
20USA Martin, Joseph (pythoner6)182312437141415
21USA Huillet, Levi (stonemarrow)18211611791717
-USA VanKempen, Mark (Enoviox)*18182221201212
22USA Fields, Noah (nqeron)17791001242844112
23UKN Laparo, Craig (gruppler)17759574394974
-USA Mazks*17622011401414
24DEU Grimm, Stephan (Cap88)17509559595959
-NLD Schut, Fay (the1Rogue)*174912516161616
-UKN Olexorus*174816823102323
25USA Evoshen1714981096470109
26AUS dayofni170810366466666
-ESP Sephira*17051912002020
-USA Lovett, J.L. (oryx0919)*16921821201212
27USA Wagner, Caleb (Wags)16901753202032
-POL Cichocki, Tymon (tymon)*168018310101010
28USA Czernobog16691731711717
29USA Crawford, Julie (June)166210944284444
-USA emook*16501978088
-ESP Anker*16492028088
-HUN Kreest*16472086066
30USA Amey, Errol (SevMoun)164412658162458
31USA Gleeson, Sam (EVRNjayhawker)16411917001870
-USA Dickens, Trey (CrusaderIII)*16402091001010
32USA Niederberger, Matthew (Queso2469)163614739121212
33USA Calm163415126182626
-USA Lowen, Simon (Simonster)*162511728282828
34POL adelta162114234143434
-USA Brock, Adam (Mantheron)*162115736103636
-DEU Eszett*16191396666
-TUR barkardes*16181596666
-GBR Hickey, C.P.M. (GladiatorSum)*16161908088
35USA Vogel, Tyler (Vogopolis)1612771257795125
36USA Reilley, P.K. (reilley)160515734142434
37USA mr_mondegreen160012227272727
38USA Davis, S. (Crockist)159613018181818
39USA Welch, Olive (OliveIsAWord)15879428282828
40USA Tyler, Phil (pwhaug)15851986401464
41USA Hunter, Jacob (NameOfStone)158311053435353
-DEU Thokev*15781968088
-ESP sky_is_here*1566193150815
-USA Davis, Connor (yeet_theory)*15651752401024
-SUI Tellorion*15601651481414
-USA Thomas, Haley (Syntax)*15532026066
-USA clover*155316712121212
42NLD Braam, G.W.G. (Eranor)1547941125468112
-HKG chronamicx*15352041201212
43CHL Schkolnik, Demian (Naimed)150814216161616
-USA Johnston, Will (KaosXi)*15072108088
44USA Cressman, Daniel (dancressman)150713416161616
-NLD pepvis*150616712121212
-ESP Ileden, Venat (Venat)*150516712121212
-USA Da Silva, Alex (Quicksilva)*15031831201212
-NLD Sander*14921718888
45USA GoldenGeneral_014909720202020
-DEU Berger, Clara (clara_immerwahr)*148313040181840
-DEU vipanaze*14741396666
46USA Byrne, Matt (Fork)14749431313131
47ITA jorteip146914714141414
48USA F, Brian (Korrun)14671729999
-USA CutesXi*14652168088
-USA Israel, Craig (Nikolai)*14561841601616
-ITA Lama*143911333333333
49MEX Grugal_7ak143315813131313
50USA anonymousaurochs14241986666
-USA Alden, Bruce (akuden)*14232018088
-USA Topher*14221916666
-USA Salin*14191986066
-USA Maxio68*14191986066
-UKN Seidel, Phoenix S. (StarbornPhoenixx)*14152076066
-SWE Joxet*14101728888
-ARG Vassena, Pedro (PedroVassena)*13911868888
-AUS Doomstahhh*13821386666
-CHL Montes León, José Manuel (Alquitran)*13741418888
51USA ken10naka13692012602026
-USA AmiraB*13552258088
-IND samta_claus*13432096066
-USA anotherplayer*13311848888
52USA Kessler, J. (PracticalM)131913616161616
-KOR Park, H.J. (neolttwigi)*13101958888
-USA Hartman, T.A. (Quitzel)*131017112121212
-USA Purkayastha, Dev (devp)*13061416666
-NZL Remmus6*130217712121212
-USA Amey, Magnus (Novatian)*12931811041010
-SWE DragonMcReep*12902191101111
53USA Medling, Noah (fluffington)128712614141414
-USA Clark, Craig (CraigClark)*128514126101626
-NLD Cacique*12792436066
-USA Opp, J. Ryan (RyTracer)*12702366066
-TUR Koshtak*12521926666
-USA Cannon, Kelly (Captain_Cheese)*124610922222222
-USA NeonaX*124411814141414
-USA nabeelio*12242238088
54UKN Salerno, Francesco (Frasco)121713424181824
-ESP Márquez, Salva (SalvaWindwarrior)*12172518088
-MEX Baggins, Banto (Banto)*12142216666
55USA Kushner, D.K. (ShadowCalibrator)119411926262626
-USA Pureturtle0*11871548888
56MEX Alatorre López, David (Daallo)117912225252525
-USA iMiller*11491871481414
-UKN Courier*10942461221212
-USA Kern, Corey (Frosty)*10902531001010
57UKN zirpu108913623141423
-UKN BoldCut*10062531001010
-USA Dobbyism*9682096666