San Francisco Tak Open | Tournament at KublaCon

So it seems Tak tournament season is finally upon us! This coming weekend, Brandon Weaver of the US Tak association is hosting the first San Francisco Tak Open at Kublacon. The event offers prizes from Cheapass games and is a great opportunity for those of you on the west coast to put your Tak skills to the […]

US Tak Association Newsletter Filling Staff Positions

The US Tak Association’s newsletter, Capstone Quarterly, wants volunteer writers, copy editors, graphic artists, and more. This brand new publication will be the first Tak-related periodical of its kind. It will contain news, interviews, strategy discussions, events calendars, and other features. The newsletter is still in development, so come help us build a community resource […]
The Tak Retail Set

Tak Gets Retail Release this Week!

At last, the long wait for Tak is about to end for everyone. Cheapass Games has announced that this week Tak goes to retail release. You can finally head down to your local game store to pick up a copy. Or to request they carry Tak, if they don’t already. We’re keeping an eye out and […]
2016 US Tak Open

The 2016 US Tak Open Tournament Winners

The 2016 US Tak Open tournament wrapped up early in January of this year, but we’re now pleased to be able to announce the results here on our new website! This was the first major Tak tournament, made possible by sponsors Cheapass Games and Wyrmwood Gaming. The tournament began in September of 2016 with 149 […]

New Website

Greetings everyone, and welcome to the new USTA website. Over the coming weeks and months we plan on bringing you, the members, players, and community at large, the tools, tactics, and news you need to further your love of this beautiful game. We will continue to improve this website and as always welcome your feedback.